Adrian Pijoan


The moon is full and so are all our inboxes by Adrian Pijoan

01. The moon is full and so are all our inboxes (installation view)

Site specific installation consisting of an interactive phone number, digital photographs, 3D printed PLA, laser cut acrylic, and an LED sign, 2024

Call (505) 768-4747 to experience the piece.

The moon is full and so are all our inboxes by Adrian Pijoan

02. The moon is full and so are all our inboxes (detail)

3D printed PLA, 36" x 36" x 16", 2024

Flowers of the Sky by Adrian Pijoan

03. Flowers of the Sky

3D printed PLA, 36" x 24" diptych, 2024

Still from Slow Dance by Adrian Pijoan

04. Slow Dance (still)

Single channel video, 8:00, 2022

View the full video on YouTube

A Hypnagogic Jerk by Adrian Pijoan

05. A Hypnagogic Jerk

Copper, 3D printed PLA, fabric, acrylic, nail polish, selenite, and hair, dimensions variable, 2022

Believe in us but not too much installation view

06. Believe in us but not too much (installation view)

3D objects, found animated GIFs, primary source documents, browser-based installation, 2022

Visit the full installation at New Art City

Installation view of Falling 4U by Adrian Pijoan

07. Falling 4U

Single channel video and mixed media installation, dimensions variable, 2022

Render of Terrestrial by Adrian Pijoan

08. Terrestrial (still)

Animated AR sculpture, 2022

*AR mode only available on mobile, but the sculpture can still be viewed on desktop.

UFOs and Aliens In My Dreams by Adrian Pijoan

09. UFOs and Aliens in My Dreams (still)

Animated GLB sculpture, Edition of 5, 2022

View the 3D sculpture on

Albuquerque Remote Viewing by Adrian Pijoan

10. Albuquerque Remote Viewing

Animated GIFs, net art, and archival print on Fujicolor metallic paper, 2021

Far Out by Adrian Pijoan

11. Far Out (still)

Single channel video, 15:16, 2022

View the full video on Youtube

Interdimensional Travel is Possible animated gif
The Astral Castle animated gif
Inhabitants animated gif
Water on Mars animated gif
Desert Dream animated gif
Dr. Howard and the Face on Mars animated gif
Giant Rock UFO Airport animated gif
Tobor is Necessary for Space Travel aniamted gif
The Face on Mars animated gif

12. Dr. Howard's Voyage to the Astral Plane with ETs and the Face on Mars (GIF installation view)

Animated GIFs, nine channel video, 7:55, 2020

View the full video on YouTube.

Welcome to my Cybereality by Adrian Pijoan

13. Welcome to My Cybereality (still)

Looping mp4, edition of 10, 2022

View on

Dreaming of Alpha Draconis by Adrian Pijoan

14. Dreaming of Alpha Draconis (Modified installation view)

Browser-based installation, four channel video, 2020

View the full installation at: De:Formal Gallery

Adrian Pijoan performing as Dr. Howard

15. Encuentro Extraterrestre

Performance and poster, Espacio Escultórico UNAM, 2019

Take Me installed at the KiMo Theatre in Albuquerque, New Mexico

16. Take Me

Public art installation, neon signs, LED signs, interactive phone number with embedded narrative, 2019 - ongoing

Spirit Sensor by Adrian Pijoan

17. Spirit Sensor

Custom Electronics, 2019

Dr. Howard on Tikaboo Peak

18. Alien Hour

YouTube Channel, ongoing series of videos and performances, 2018 - ongoing

Visit the Alien Hour YouTube channel here.

Tres Luces by Adrian Pijoan

19. Tres Luces

Infrared photograph, 2018

Objetos Voladores by Adrian Pijoan

20. Objetos Voladores

Infrared photograph, 2018